Manic Monday: Make-Up & Manis 7 Cold Weather Nail Tips
November 11, 2013 – April Bush

The weather is changing and our nails are getting more and more brittle. For me it's inevitable for my nails to become brittle in the winter weather. In between my visits to my manicurist do a few thing to make sure my nails remain healthy. Here are 7 at home winterization tips for your digits.

1. Drink Plenty of water. Your nails need hydration be sure to drink lots of water anytime but especially in the winter.

2. File your nails with an emery board rather than cutting them. When you file your nails it helps them grow better.

3. Apply cuticle oil to nails all day especially at night. If you cannot get your hands on cuticle oil use lotions with urea.

4. Get a professional manicure more often in the winter months. In between your visits to your nail technician soak your hands for 10 minuets in lukewarm water and cuticle oil then lather your hands in lotion and wear cotton gloves for one hour (This goes by fast when you watch TV)

5. Non-acetone nail polish is better for you in general and even more in the winter. Non-acetone polish remover does not dry your nails as much as acetone. To minimize using polish remover wear a longer lasting nail polish like, Iconic Luxury Nail Colour, $10 at www.iconiclifestyleinc. Iconic is 4 free, fast drying and longer lasting.

6. Take a multi-vitamin with biotin and Vitamin E to help nail growth.

7. Orange or Yellow nails are a no-no! If your nails are this color they need oxygen so let your nails breathe a bit.