Saturday Beauty Day Better Than False Lashes
November 16, 2013 – April Clark

Mascara, Mascara, Mascara .... oh how I LOVE mascara! Mascara is the finishing touch, the cherry on the top and the best beauty product to bring your eyes to life! Sometimes, I like a a more dramatic look like false eyelashes or as I call them "falsies". I have tried the individual lashes and they took my long beautiful lashes out! I am in the process of growing them out (with a product I will share with you provided it worked) to be long again but in the mean time I turned to good old fashioned lash strips. Last week I was in a hurry to leave the house and I wanted to add my lashes and for whatever reason it just was not working. I ripped the lashed off and proceed to go into my 3 drawer tower of makeup goodness to find a mascara and there is was the unopened package of mascara that changed the game:

Too Faced Better Than False Lashes. You can get it at Sephora for $35.00 and it is worth every penny.
You might be asking why the package was in my drawers of makeup goodness and not being used...the answer is I have been experimenting as any good beauty blogger would do. There are still more to try but I think THIS IS THE ONE! I found my lash soul mate! This mascara is a system it comes with two tubes to achieve a beautiful look.

The system is easy!
Step One: Prime your lashes with the long gold tube.
Step Two: Add white cotton like fibers in the small white tube.
Step Three: Add another coat of the long gold tube and.... here is the result:

As you can see on the left the individual lashes took out a chunk of my lashes but the Too Faced System is awesome I didn't even care! Ladies, this product is ICONIC go and try it!