Saturday Beauty Day Winter Lip Balm Picks
November 29, 2013 – April Clark

Winter time is peeking its way through and my lips are feeling it already. There is nothing worse than chapped, dry and cracked lips. It's just not cute! I keep a lip balm everywhere this time of year-- in my car, bathroom, purse and nightstand. Here are a couple of lip must haves that I think you should try for the winter months. It's important to make sure you exfoliate and hydrate your lips often and drink plenty of water.

Start with this product, Jane Iredale Sugar and Butter lip exfoliator & plumper for $25.00 at It's an organic brown sugar that removes dull dry skin. Apply the tinted lip plumper with shea butter for unbelievable moisture to your lips!

During the day re apply moisture with these cute lip balms, EOS (Evolution of Smooth) organic lip balm that is 95% organic, 100% natural, and paraben and petrolatum free. Packed with antioxidant-rich vitamin E, soothing shea butter and jojoba oil, EOS keeps our lips moist and soft for hours on end! $3.29 at

I typically use this at night, my lips dry out at night.
This must-have lip balm calms and heals irritation, and soothes the sting of minor burns. Easy-to-use and versatile, dab it on chapped lips, elbows, or knees to condition and relieve dryness. It is also an excellent remedy for the treatment of diaper rash. $6.00 at