Tuesday Shoe Day: SNOW BOOTS
January 7, 2014 – April Clark

When it is time to look for a snow boots, do you consider FASHION or FUNCTION? Take a look at these snow boots I chose and where you can purchase them.
1. Tory Burch Denai Quilted Rain Bootie $285.00 at toryburch.com
2. Women's Merona Norma Snow Boots Black/White $40.00 at target.com
3. Australia Luxe Nordic Angel in Black $410.00 at couturecandy.com
4. Burton Emerald $219.95 at zappos.com
5. Trotts 'Blizzard III' Boot Womens Black Faux Leather 8 WW $99 at nordstrom.com
6. Sperry Top-Sider Highland Snow Boot is $150.00 at sperrytopsider.com
What shoe would you choose?