Saturday Beauty Day: Skin Care Series - Oily Skin Care Tips
January 19, 2014 – April Clark

Have you ever looked at the skin of an orange, that is a sample of the what the surface of an oily face with enlarged pores. Not the look you want! Oily skin is prone to have larger pores and acne. It is important to care for this skin type for a healthy appearance. Oily skin is very greasy in the T-Zone. The T-Zone consist of your forehead, nose, and chin because it forms a "T". The T-Zone has more oily glands than any part of the face. The T-Zone is more prone to acne and breakouts because of the clogged pores. Although, you want to avoid over cleaning your face, regular cleaning is required for oily skin!
People with oily skin think that moisturizes add to the oil of their skin and its not necessary. That is far from the truth every part of our skin needs moisture. There are different types of moisturizes to use to eliminate excess oils. First, wash your face in a non-comedogenic face wash. Use a cleanser that contains salicylic acid. Salicylic acid soaks up oils and cleans out your pores. When you have enlarged pores bacteria can seep in and salicylic acid can cleanse those pores of unhealthy bacteria. Also look for products that contain sulfer. Sulfer helps the sebum (good oils already in your skin) become entrapped in your skin. Look for products that carry Tea Tree Oil, Benzoyl Peroxide, and Hyaluronic Acid.
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