EDA Fashion Frames
April 2, 2014 – April Clark
EDA Frames edaframes.com
Last week I had the great pleasure of attending the Fashion in the City Emerging Designer competition in Los Angeles, CA. As a VIP guest I received one of the best fashion gifts of the night, fashion eyewear, from EDA (eyewear designer alliance) an Oregon based company that specializes in custom make eyewear! The great thing about these glasses is that they are custom made and fashion forward. EDA eyewear has a very unique aesthetic, any fashion-forward fashionista can wear these frames with or without prescription. Every design in their collection can be customized to fit the latest fashion trends. They host that they can turn simple pleasures into something original. Styles come in modern to retro with over 1,000 colors and metal decorations.
If you wear eyeglasses and even if you don't EDA, is something unique and fresh! I can't wait to get more pairs to go with my spring looks! I am obsessed and I love this company!
To order your custom pair contact sales@edaframes.com

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Barbara Walters in EDA frames (from eda Facebook)

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