Saturday Beauty Day: Skin Care Series- Sensitive Skin Care Tips

February 2, 2014 – April Clark

Skin care is so important in maintaining the proper skin hygiene.  As I research ingredients for my skin care line, I wanted to share tips with my readers on the various skin types and the proper care.  This will be a 5 week series on the 5 different skin types and the proper care. To find out what type of skin you have get my FREE ebook and see the post for oily skin and dry skin  here.



A special skin care regimin is importnant for sensitive skin types.  People with sensitive skin have very fine pores, fine lines and wrinkles, and burns easily in the sun. Moderate exposure to the sun can cause rashes, blotches and burns.  Careful are for sensitive skin is important but preventative care is essential.  Caring for sensitive skin is not as challenging as you mmight think, reading labels and staying on a routine will be you on a path to healthy skin.  Sensitive skin types should only use products labeled fragrance free or perfume free. Avoid products with too many chemicals-- toners are a good example they typically dry out the skin, I feel they aren't necessary in the skin care regimen.  Avoid oil based products, they tend to make this skin type break out.  Consider products that are hypo-allergenic, mild, and water-based.  Every skin type needs sunscreen, especially sensitive skin.






Try These Products:




$37.00 Click the product picture for details
This is perfect for intolerant skin! It contains glycerin and shea butter. Very gentle.





$9.97 Click the product picture for details
Very light formula.







$10.99 Click the product picture for details
Perfect sensitive eyes. Full of cucumber and glycerin


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