Manic Monday: Makeup & Manis 4 Quick Steps to a Bronze Cheek Glow
February 3, 2014 – April Clark

Last month for Twitter Tuesday on of my tweet-hearts asked, "I would love to know how to achieve that bronzed cheeky glow the Kardashian sisters have mastered" Here is my response, Four Quick Ways to a Bronze Cheek Glow.

1. Use a fan or contouring brush and apply a LINE of dark foundation powder or dark bronzer in the hollow of your cheek (make the "fish" face to find the hollow).

2.Buff the line with an angled brush. The LINE should be blended.

3. Use your blush brush and apply a deep blush for your skin type or darker bronze color and apply it in the hollow of your cheek. This application is blended -- no line needed!
4. Add a highlighter like our Bejeweled Face Hi Lite above your cheeks. Be sure it blends not to make a drastic contrast from the blush.
The highlight and deep blush gives the glow look!